Working as a team with our Lenders provides a painless experience for borrowers. In today’s TRID lending landscape we recognize that it is important to understand your business as well as we understand ours. We are able to provide quick and accurate Quotes, Title Searches, and Closing Disclosures to our customers while maintaining open communication before, during, and after settlement. We have the expertise to deal with tough title issues and work with our underwriters to find solutions, so that all your transactions close on time.

Charter Title Lender Services

With our combined experience in the title and escrow industry, our team of professionals can be counted on to handle all closing requirements, including:

Fast and guaranteed accurate quotes are available online or by emailing

Direct access to land records gives you the fastest possible turn time on title searches and commitments.

Charter Title’s expert team will proactively clear judgments, liens, releases, etc., without slowing down a lender’s underwriting process.

A dedicated processor will prepare your Closing Disclosure within 1 hour of receiving closing instructions to ensure the 3 day disclosure period is met.

Our flexible scheduling allows our professional settlement agents to close anytime, anyplace.